Kerman Readiness to Participate with South Africa in Exploration and Mining
Sunday, September 16, 2018 - 4:06:33 PM

According to Mining News Pro - Seyyed Mahdi Tabebzadeh, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture in Kerman province, said the South African South African ambassador to the country, with the presence of a reporter, caretaker and business associate of the South African Embassy in Iran, said: "South Africa, with its valuable mines and the use of technical know-how, Exploration and equipment is well-known in this area. Considering that Kerman is also the paradise of mines in Iran, many co-operation areas can be provided.

Seyyed Mahdi Tabebzadeh continued, "The diversity of the South African climate is similar to that of Kerman province. Due to South Africa`s exposure to South Korea, there is potential for Africa`s agricultural supplies to be provided by Kerman Province, which we hope will help companies create collaborative partnerships.

Tabibzadeh added that South Africa is an important country on the African continent and has the largest economy among the countries of the African Union. In relation to countries where the common room with them has not been formed, the Kerman Chamber has chosen South Africa as the basis for the expansion of cooperation with the country, and with the increase in the level of exchanges, a common room between the two countries could be created.

The head of the Kerman Chamber continued, "South Africa can be the gateway to Africa, and on the other hand, Kerman can be the gateway to South Africa to Central Asia.

Pointing out that the volume of trade between Iran and South Africa is very low, he said: the value of the goods exported is not desirable, and each ton of Iran`s export product to Africa is one tenth of the value per ton of input from South Africa to Iran.

The head of the Kerman office said: "Except products such as petrochemicals, bitumen and oil that are not produced in Kerman, other products such as dates, pistachios, handmade carpets, electric appliances, flooring, industrial oil, ceramic tiles and technical and engineering services in Kerman It is possible to export them to South Africa.

He also referred to the natural attractions of Kerman and South Africa in the field of tourism and said: It is proposed to set up a road map for economic and cooperation activities, which will pave the way for negotiations.

Tabibzadeh said: "The field of knowledge-based activities and products in Kerman is developing, and since Africa has a long history in the IT and ICT field, the activities of knowledgeable and new businesses can be a collaborative field." We are ready to send a team of economic activists to Africa and invite Kermans from their counterparts to engage in business negotiations.

According to the head of the Kerman Mining and Mining Commission, who said that the mine`s share in the South Asian interactions is 10%, about 40% of the country`s exports are related to mines, especially diamonds. Despite the fact that Iran is one of the top 10 mines in the world, Kerman is the country`s first in this field, but discoveries are only 10% of mineral deposits and 1.5% of gross domestic product.

Abbas Jalbarbazari added that Kerman has been lagging behind in exploration and mining, and given South Africa`s advanced technology in this area, we can work with the country. In the industrial sector, we can create areas for cooperation in cement, rubber and metal artifacts.

He offered suggestions such as establishing a joint Kerman and South African desk, facilitating visa issuance or visa waiver for South Africa, and signing a partnership between Kerman and one of the cities in South Africa.

The South African embassy in Iran said: "Iran and South Africa have had a very good political relationship during the sanctions period, but good political relations are not good reasons for establishing good economic relations. To achieve this, trade partnerships and exchanges The two sides are defined and implemented at an acceptable level.
Sara Dean, stating that there is no proper banking system between Africa and Iran, added: The automotive industry and vehicles are leading in South Africa, and the country exports to various countries, including Japan, spare parts and automotive supplies, and given that Kerman In the automotive industry, there can be areas for joint cooperation in this regard.

Religion said: "The coincidence of the summer season in Kerman and the winter in Africa could be an opportunity for Kerman to export agricultural products to Africa, and on the other hand, given the expertise and advanced knowledge of the South African minefields, There is also a background.

Regarding tourism in Kerman, Kerman said: "The tourism capacities of Iran and Kerman are not known in South Africa, and we should encourage the people of this country to see the tourist attractions of the province of Kerman and Iran. In this area this year, a group of major tourists They come to Tehran where Kerman can take advantage of this opportunity to develop collaborative tourism.

At the meeting, Kermans` economic activists raised questions about some economic activities in South Africa, and the economic advisor to the South African embassy in Iran, while addressing the country`s capacities, responded to these questions. Readiness to Participate with South Africa in Exploration and Mining
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