Iranian Billet Export Increases Substantially by 40% in Q1 of Persian Year
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - 1:20:04 PM

1 - Khouzastan Steel Company (KSC) was the largest exporter of billet and bloom during the period, the company exported 411,884 MT in Q1 of current year, registered a downfall of 25% Y-o-Y against 547,922 MT exported in last Persian year.

2 - South Kaveh Steel Company (SKSCO) was the second largest exporter of billet, the company exported 226,000 MT billet during the Q1 of current year, registered a growth of 60% Y-o-Y against 141,250 MT exported in last Persian year.

3 - Khorasan Steel was the third largest exporter of bloom, the company exported 18,661 MT in Q1 of current Persian year.

Iranian Slab Export Decreases by 15%

Iran, the major exporter of slab exported 803,000 MT during the Q1 of current Persian year, registered a downfall of 15% Y-o-Y against 944,000 MT.

1 - Khouzastan Steel Company (KSC) was the largest exporter of slab during the period, the company exported 352,412 MT slab in Q1 of current Persian year, registered a growth of 35% Y-o-Y against 261,046 MT exported in last Persian year.

2 - Hormozgan Steel Company (HOSCO), a subsidiary of MSC, has exported 188,682 MT slab during the period, exports were up by 12% against 168,400 MT.

3 - Mobarakeh Steel Company (MSC) exported 165,454 MT slab, registered a growth of 20% against 137,878 MT exported in last year.

It is to be noted that Iran has surpassed its 8 MnT export target in the last Persian year (March 2017-18) by shipping 8.49 MnT of steel, up by 53.4% Y-o-Y. The government has targeted 9.5 MnT steel exports for this year (March 2018-19) and 14 MnT by the end of March 2020-21 Persian year.

Inputs from Chilan Online Billet Export Increases Substantially by 40% in Q1 of Persian Year
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