Banning bullion and gold mines / Max. 150 g. All types of artifacts are permitted by the passenger
Significant decline in gold prices / stagnation in the gold industry as prices rise
Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 3:46:14 PM
Gold and coin prices have been fluctuating over the past month, according to a report from Mine News, which recorded a new record totaling $ 3 million. In the week that passed, 18 grams of gold each month also fluctuated, so that each gram of gold at the beginning of the week started at 236 thousand and 180 USD, with the price jump on the second day of the week reaching 244 thousand and 830 USD.

According to Mining News Pro, the price of gold and coins in the last month has been fluctuating so much so that the whole coin crosses the $ 600 border,

Recorded a new record.

In the week that passed, 18 grams of gold per gram were also fluctuating, making $ 18.65 per gram for the early 18th grade gold and $ 48.696 for the second day of the week.

In the same vein, Mohammed Kashti Ara, on changing the price of gold and coins over the past few days, said last week changes in gold and coin prices were lower than in the previous weeks and saw a significant fall in prices in the final days and early weeks. The chairman of the Gold and Gold Specialist Commission added that the fall in prices could be driven by fluctuations in world gold prices, relative stability in foreign exchange prices, and the equilibrium of supply and demand.

He said about the rise in prices for gold in the gold artefacts market: as prices rose, we saw a decrease in the consumption of artifacts and jewelry in the market, which has led to a recession in the class and industry of gold retailers. Mohammad Sharif stated: "The coin market continues to see people tend to convert their capital into coins or gold, which has led to the formation of surplus demand and price bubbles.

Of course, we need time to reduce prices so that the bubble in the market will be smaller or destroyed," said the chairman of the Gold and Gold Specialist Commission on reducing bubbles in the market.

He said about the forecast of the gold and coin market: the price fluctuations are severe and in the current situation there is no possibility of forecasting and analyzes are carried out only daily. decline in gold prices / stagnation in the gold industry as prices rise
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